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Healthy and Happy Pregnancy with Maharishi Vedic Medicine
by Kumuda Reddy, M.D., Linda Egenes, M.A., Margaret Mullins, R.N.
For the first time in history, this book brings out the complete knowledge of having a healthy & happy baby and a happy & healthy mother.
Just imagine having a baby who:
- sleeps soundly through the night
- has no colic
- is not a victim to frequent colds, coughs, flus, and other viral and bacterial infections
- is not hyperactive
- does not have temper tantrums
- is always happy & contented & playful
Just imagine having the opportunity to Prevent ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
- Improve intellect & concentration
- prevent childhood & adolescent diseases
- to grow up as a responsible and caring individual
- do less & accomplish more in life
Just imagine having
- Healthy Pregnancy
- Joyful Pregnancy
- Experiencing the balance in mind-body
- Having plenty of energy and emotions to cope with herself and a newborn baby
Just imagine having an easy Post Partum Period
- less pain
- rapid recovery and rejuvenation
- no post partum blues and depression
- complete recovery of all the tissues and organs so that you prevent the sprouting of future diseases and illnesses.
Most female disorders mental, physical, and emotional are related to incomplete recovery from Pregnancy during post partum period. Vitamins and minerals alone are not the answer. A more holistic approach is necessary.
Kumuda Reddy, M.D., a former faculty member of Albany Medical College and was Medical Director of the Maharishi Vedic Center in Bethesda, Maryland. She is presently in private practice in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Reddy is an experienced practitioner of Maharishi Vedic Medicine and and an expert in family health care.
Linda Egenes, M.A. writes books for both adults and children. She currently teaches graduate courses in literary journalism at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. She has just published a book about the life of the Amish community entitled Visits With the Amish: Impressions of Plain Life. She is currently working with Dr. Reddy on a book about raising healthy children using the Maharishi Vedic Medicine.
Margaret Mullins, M.S.N., C.F.N.P. has her certification as a pediatric and family nurse practitioner, and has worked primarily in the areas of obstetric and pediatric nursing. She began working clinically with the Maharishi Vedic Medicine in 1985, and helped develop the Maharishi Ayur-Veda Mother and Baby program. She currently has her own practice as a nurse practitioner combining the Maharishi Vedic Medicine and allopathic medicine. The parents of 23-year-old twin daughters, she and her husband live in Boone, North Carolina.
Healthy and Happy Pregnancy with Maharishi Vedic Medicine
Published by Samhita Productions
Pages: 264
Illustrations: 35 black-and-white illustrations and charts
Size 6 X 9
Price: Paper $16.95
ISBN 1-929297-01-7
Published November 1999