Dr. Kumuda Reddy has been practicing medicine for nearly thirty years. Currently, she practices in Bethesda, Maryland and in Falls Church, Virginia. Dr. Reddy has developed a very informative website called allhealthyfamily.com which is dedicated to bringing the knowledge of the unlimited scope of Ayurvedic medicine. It is comprehensive, holistic and compatible with conventional medicine.
Ayurvedic medicine works by enlivening the bodys inner intelligence, enhancing the immunity of the individual. It treats the disease at the source rather than the symptoms alone, without adverse side effects and without creating a new disease.
Dr. Reddy completed her residency and fellowship at Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York. She was the Medical Director of Maharishi Vedic Center in Bethesda, Maryland and a former faculty member of Albany Medical College. Dr. Reddy has been practicing Ayurveda full time for the last twelve years.
Dr. Reddy, through her practice, books and lectures conveys this simple message, that we are one with nature. Because of our intimate connection to nature and the entire cosmos, we need natural and holistic medicine. It is the need of our time. No other medicine has proven to be as natural, comprehensive, time-tested and holistic as Ayurveda.
Dr. Reddy believes that the best way to avoid suffering and ill-health is to avert the danger which has not yet come. This is the basic principle of prevention from the ancient Vedic tradition of health care. The earlier we start, the better. Taking this to heart, Dr. Reddy has co-authored several books. Those already in print include, Forever Healthy Introduction to Maharishi Ayur-Veda Health Care and For a Blissful Baby Healthy and Happy Pregnancy with Maharishi Vedic Medicine. Forthcoming titles include: Conquering Chronic Disease through Maharishi Vedic Medicine, Golden Transition Menopause Made Easy, and Living Life Free From Pain Treating Arthritis, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain and Fibromyalgia.
Dr. Reddy has also co-authored a book of stories from the Upanishads entitled All Love Flows to the Self and a series of childrens stories called the Timeless Wisdom series based on traditional Indian stories that she first heard from her grandmother. Dr. Reddy believes these stories will help educate children in the positive, nourishing and practical values that are so important for their health and happiness.
She has appeared on several radio and TV shows. Dr. Reddy has been contributing health articles to the local news magazines and papers. In addition to her life as a medical doctor, writer and speaker, Dr. Reddy is a wife, mother and an active community leader.